Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Conservation Work Near 11 Tee

Keith and I have been working on clearing willow and buckthorn saplings that have grown up around the pond between 11 and 16. 


In the spring we will plant grass here and maintain the pond banks as turf grass. The turf grass will provide a much more effective filter for keeping silt and sediment erosion out of the pond than the sparse cover of reed canary grass that grows in the shade of the willow and buckthorn plants.
And now the golfers will be able to actually see the fairway landing area from the tee. Our championship flight golfers will even be able to draw the ball after we have finished the work.

Before Clearing of Right Side

After Clearing the Right Side

Whenever you present more options to the golfer from the tee you make the game more interesting and rewarding.

Opening Up View of 16th Hole

Friday, January 6, 2012

The warm winter days have allowed us to spend most our time outdoors performing forestry and conservation work.  We have now completed removal of invasive Buckthorn and Honeysuckle between holes 11 and 12. This spring we expect to see a proliferation of native wildflowers and ground cover.
Conservation of Illinois hardwood forests involves identifying the invasive species, getting after them with chainsaws and burning.

Rich & Keith

The pond between 11 and 12 has now been cleared of Willow and Cottonwood saplings that were compromising the ecosystem.
11 Pond Before


When Willow and Cottonwood saplings are allowed to take over the embankments of a pond, the shade and root competition compromise the density of the turf grass buffer, now silt and sediment erosion enter the pond for lack of an adequate grass buffer and filter. 

When the percentage of silt increases in surface water the invertebrate populations decrease to the detriment of the fish population. So we are working this winter to reestablish sunlight on our pond perimeters for a healthier turf system. 

In addition to providing recreational benefits, turf grass protects surface water from silt and sediment erosion - the number one source of pollution in the world today.